Shares Alpha Chi Omega values - "Real. Strong.
Women." She is respectful of herself and others.
Expresses value for family life and healthy, meaningful relationships. Has an overall positive attitude and is excited about recruitment. Shows maturity and is polite and thoughtful during conversations.
This new standard broadens responsibility beyond finances and encompasses the commitments and obligations of the lifelong Real. Strong. Women.
Experience. It honors commitments and fulfills membership obligations.
Personal Development:
Well-rounded in taking care of self, personal education, and development of life skills. She is tactful and respectful in conversation - is politically correct" in referring to herself and others. She strives to better her well-being (physical, educational, and emotional). She has social awareness and cultural appreciation.
Wants to be involved - expresses interest in taking positions and getting involved on campus and in the community. Has volunteer experience (coach, camp, counselor, leading initiatives.) She has been involved in sports teams, clubs, and organizations. She has held previous leadership roles (captain, student council).
Academic Interest:
Alpha Chi Omega requires a 3.0 GPA from HS and a 2.5 GPA from college. Participates in academic clubs (CSF, Honors/accelerated programs), and expresses interest in furthering her academic career/graduate school. Discusses study groups, studying abroad, and any learning opportunities.
She is enthusiastic about school, her major, and her career plans/goals.